Open Data Science Seminar 1

Welcome to our new Open Data Science Seminar @RealTek. In the coming weeks we will be presenting research activities at NMBU where data science plays a central role. At each seminar one or two speakers will be presenting. There will be time for questions and discussions after the presentation. The seminar is open to everyone….

New software paper on hoggorm python library for explorative multivariate analysis

The hoggorm python library for explorative mulitvariate analysis has now its own software paper published at The Journal of Open Source Software. Results trained with hoggorm can be visualised easily with the complimentary hoggormplot package. Please follow the links below for more information: Software paper at The Journal of Open Source Software: GitHub repository…

Master defense Tyrone Carlisle Nowell: Detection and Quantification of Rot in Harvested Trees using Convolutional Neural Networks

NMBU student Tyrone Carlisle Nowell defended his master thesis titled “Detection and Quantification of Rot in Harvested Trees using Convolutional Neural Networks” on June 21, 2019. Extrernal sensor: Martin Høy (DNV-GL) Supervisors NMBU: Kristian Hovde Liland and Oliver Tomic Abstract Root and Butt-Rot (RBR) is having a significant economic impact on the forest industry and…

Best Poster Award at the ESTRO 38 Conference

The NMBU Healthcare Data Modelling Group in collaboration with the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital won the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Best Poster Award in the physics category during the ESTRO 38 conference in Milan, Italy, April 2019.  The award-winning poster Comparison of Automatic Tumor Segmentation Approaches for Head and Neck…

Åpent CAMPUS-seminar om anvendt dataanalyse

Dato: 25.01.2019 Tid: kl. 12.00 – 15.30 Sted: MU166 – Meieribygget Vi er så heldige å få våre tidligere PhD-studenter Patrick Blomquist fra DNB (se kort beskrivelse under) og Ole Elvetun fra NextBridge Analytics AS til å holde foredrag på vårt uformelle seminar om anvendt dataanalyse fredag 25. januar. Prorektor Solve Sæbø og seniorforsker Tormod…